Building and Grounds


This commission monitors the physical condition of parish property and its upkeep, identifies and articulates the future facility needs of the parish, and makes recommendations through the Finance/Administrative Services to the Pastoral Council. We meet the first Thursday of each month in Church Hall at 6:00PM.


Ken Leeson………………262.644.8825



Cemetery Board

We properly maintain the cemeteries in a manner that provides dignity, serenity, and abiding beauty, so that those who visit may have the peace and comfort that they are entitled to. In order to accomplish these goals the Cemetery Committee provides and maintains rules and regulations. All questions and inquires should be directed to our Sexton.



Clayton Carroll, Sexton…….262.644.8083 ext. 15

Maurice Strupp……………..262.644.5038

Robert Wolf…………………….262.644.8082

Cemetery Updates
The old road has been removed and most of the new road has been placed.
The road is now wide enough for traffic to come through.
Base is sturdier, so it will hold for a long time.
There is now an asphalt driveway to Central Avenue to complete the “loop.”
Holes have been drilled to place flags in for veterans.