Liturgical Volunteer Schedules

Altar Servers

Being a Minister of the Altar is one of great honor. Students from 3rd through 12th grade, as well as adults are invited to become Mass Servers. Serving our Lord is an honor and privilege by assisting Father at Mass. 


Joel Schodron …………………262.224.5402

Server Schedule - October - December 2024






Distributors of Communion

Assist Father with the distribution of Holy Communion under both species. There are five distributors scheduled for each weekend Mass.


Donna Sternke, Parish Secretary ……………….262.644.8083 ext. 2105

Ministers of Communion Schedule 


Scheduled greeters arrive 20 to 30 minutes to prior Mass. We welcome each other with a smile, friendly greeting, and offer assistance if needed. Greeters are stationed at the 2 entrance areas of the church. No formal meetings. We invite you to join our ministry.


Connie Peska .................................  262-433-8919  



Assist with the readings before the gospel, offertory petitions and weekly announcements. The lector leads the procession in and out of church. There is one lector for each Mass.


Donna Sternke, Parish Secretary (Weekend Masses)………262.644.8083 ext. 2105

Ann Hayden (Weekday Masses)……………………..262.644.5072


A team of four ushers at each Mass seat parishioners, answer questions, assist parishioners who need help during Mass, take up the collection, help cheerfully greet parishioners, and hand out the weekly bulletins. With the greeters, ushers increase positive interactions at Mass and help keep our parish growing. We hold an annual meeting to update our user schedule to insure accuracy. Each team of 4 ushers has a captain who advises contact people if any problems arise or there is a change in a user team.


Bob Manning……………….262.297.1777