Committees and Groups

Prayer and Worship

We organize and schedule volunteers for the various ministries which assist at each Mass. This includes Lectors, Distributors of Communion, Servers, Ushers and Greeters.  This committee is also involved in the music provided for services and worship aides, as well as seasonal decoration of the church and special feasts of the liturgical year.  We typically meet the first Tuesday of each month.


Andy Smith ............. 262-644-8083 x2210

Christian Women

The St. Peter’s Christian Women group promotes the formation of true Christian families. We support many areas within our parish community including our School, Religious Education Program, and the various music programs. We also make purchases for the Church sanctuary such as altar cloths and vestments.

The group provides food service for various parish events and receptions. We hold an annual bake sale and a raffle every other year to raise funds for the various programs we support.

We invite all women of the parish to join and attend two breakfast meetings (held on Sundays after 7:30 AM Mass usually in March and October).


Maureen Christman……..262.644.7432
Joann Schodron...............262.644.5400


Friends of Faith

We invite you to join us to savor the sweetness-enjoy friendship, share encouraging and lively discussions as we read and share enduring faith-based materials, and have refreshments. We meet the 2nd Monday of each month in Clare Hall, immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass, until 10:00 AM.


Pat Jeschke.................262.297.1062
Sr. Janet Heder............262.388.3738
Mercedes Crovetti……262.644.0002


Human Concerns Committee

In order to address the needs of others on the local, national and global scene, St. Peter’s Parish Human Concerns Committee uses: Justice Education, Direct Service, Advocacy and Empowerment. The following are a few ways this is carried out: Harvest House meal program in West Bend; coordinating and collecting for the food pantry, school supplies and baby showers for poor; Operation Rice Bowl during Lent, Franciscan Peacemakers and Catholic Charities, identifying worthy charities for support; and Direction and support for the Health Care Ministry and Parish Nurse. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15 PM in St. Clare Hall.


Ron Awe……………262.670.0465


Knights of Columbus – St. Peter Parish Council 12588

The Knights of Columbus are dedicated to strengthening family life in accordance with the social teaching of the Church and, guided by our principles of CHARITY, UNITY, FRATERNITY and PATRIOTISM, to serving as witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ through charitable programs and activities. Last year the 77 member families of our council gave 2,000 volunteer hours and thousands of dollars to a wide range of programs, activities and charities in the Washington County Area. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month in Church Hall Room 130.


, Grand Knight……………


Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary seeks to promote all aspects of the Catholic Faith and bring all souls into a deeper relationship to Jesus through Mary. The group organizes regular recitation and promotion of the rosary. Meetings are every Wednesday at 6:30 PM in St. Clare Hall. Meetings are every Tuesday at 6:00 PM at Clare Hall.


Ann Hayden………………..262.644.5072

The Messengers

A troupe, guided by the holy spirit, that brings to life The Message of God’s Word Through acting and singing.


Mike Desmond……………..414.704.0328


Prayer Shawls

Prayer Shawls are handmade by volunteers and given to persons in need of healing and comfort along with a card of healing prayers from the Parish.


Lisa Schmitt, Minister of Aging……..…262.644.8818


Pro-Life Group

This group promotes respect for and protection of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. We distribute information and promote events such as the Life Chain, Pro-life Rosary, Run for the Unborn and prayer vigils/sidewalk counseling at the AMS abortion clinic in Milwaukee. We are members of Pro-Life Wisconsin – Washington County Chapter.


Ralph Clemins…………….262.673.6858


Senior Citizen Club

The group provides social opportunities for senior members of the parish, i.e. card playing, luncheons, entertainment, trips, etc. Meetings are on the first, third and fifth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 PM at St. Clare Hall.


Diane Weitz……………..262.297.1172


Sewing Group

The St. Peter Sewing Group was formed to provide diapers and other sanitary items to those in need. Items we sew are sent to various groups and missions as they travel the world. Even if you don’t sew, we still welcome you! There are other ways to help. We meet on the first Thursday of the month.


Heidi Duerst…………………262.297.1238


Women’s Prayer Group

All Women are welcome to join the newly formed Women’s Prayer Group. We meet once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM in Clare Hall.


Connie Pestka……………….262.674.1287