Pastoral Ministries

Communion for the Homebound

The priests, Minister of Aging and a large number of extraordinary ministers visit and bring Holy Communion to homebound parish members on a regular basis.

Any parishioner may also request delegation from the priests and bring Holy Communion home for a sick family member or neighbor on a short or long-tern basis. A pyx for communion and a short prayer service format are supplied on request from the church narthex. 


Fr. Rick Stoffel……….262.644.8083 ext. 2106

Fr. Russ Arnett ................... 262.644.8083 ext. 2209

Lisa Schmitt, Minister of Aging………..262.644.8818

Ministry to the Homebound

This ministry provides God's love and comfort to those who can no longer attend Mass.  We offer Holy Communion and Prayer to those at home, nursing homes, rehab or the hospital.  We welcome any volunteers who would enjoy sharing their faith and time with our aging or sick.  If you know someone who could benefit or would like to be a part of this beautiful ministry contact Lisa.


Lisa Schmitt, Minister of Aging………..262.644.8818

Eucharistic Adoration

We have Eucharistic Adoration weekly on Thursdays in remembrance of the day Jesus instituted the Sacrament. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is in St. Peter Church from 8:30 AM until closing with Benediction, ending at 7:00 PM. Visit our Lord anytime during the day, and stay as long as you like. This is a perfect opportunity to spend some quality quiet prayer time with someone who really loves you.


Martha Sheridan………….262.644.8909 or marthasheridan@charter.net

Liturgical Environment Committee

We are responsible for the seasonal decoration of the church for special feasts of the liturgical year.


Vicki Milkus……………262.644.8266

Cindy Thomas……………262.644.8630

Money Counters

Eight teams, consisting of three persons each, who volunteer their time to count weekly envelopes and Offertory collections. No formal meetings.


Rita Kuhaupt, Parish Bookkeeper…………….262.644.8083 ext. 2208 or rita.kuhaupt@stpeterslinger.org

Prayer Line

Prayer Line accepts requests for prayers which may be needed by members of the parish and their immediate families during times of emergency or illness. Individuals are always encouraged to become members of the prayer line and pray for the needs of others. No meetings. Members are contacted by phone as requests for prayer occur.


Irene Wolf…………….262.644.8082

Ann Hayden…………….262.644.5072