Volunteer Opportunities

In order to grow as a disciple of Christ we must reach out to those in need around us. The theological virtue of charity allows us to grow in the love of Christ. In the midst of your discernment, it is important for you to be involved as a volunteer in your parish and community.

We encourage parishioners, parents, families, and catechists to volunteer throughout the year with our Youth.  Please contact Kim, Sandi, or Kaylyn at any time for more information.

Elementary Catechist (Safeguarding Required)
Youth Ministry Catechist (Safeguarding Required)
Sunday School Catechist Aide (Safeguarding Required)
Assistance with Family Days/Nights Throughout the Formation Year

The Tomb Reenactment

  • We are looking for guards and angels for Jesus' tomb during our annual Tomb Reenactment!
    Good Friday service will conclude with laying Jesus in a tomb on the front lawn of St. Peter School. Guards will have two hour shifts throughout the night and all day Saturday, until early Sunday morning when the stone rolls open and Angels appear to stand watch and proclaim His resurrection!  Please sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090D4DADA92CA4F58-47787315-tomb#/

Kim Slizewski, Director of Formation
Phone: 262.644.8083 ext. 2207
Click Here To Email


Sandi Dhein, Child and Family Minister
Phone: 262.644.8083 ext. 2205
Click Here to Email


Kaylyn Krebs, Formation Secretary
Phone: 262.644.8083 ext. 2211
Click Here To Email