Reception of First Communion takes place in 2nd grade for children enrolled in both our religious education as well as elementary school programs. Students are prepared in their regular class sessions.
An evening of preparation for parents is required. One full year of regular religious instruction is required of children before entering preparation for this Sacrament.
Fr. Rick Stoffel, Pastor…………………….262.644.8083 ext. 11
Paul Rogers, Pastor Associate/DRE…..262.644.8083 ext. 14
Receiving the first Eucharist is a wonderful milestone for the communicant and his or her family. Usually done in about second grade, the communicant learns the true mystery of the Eucharist and learns how to respect the beliefs of the Catholic Church.
Once a member receives the Eucharist, he or she has obligations to the Catholic Church: attend mass weekly, participate in the mass, live out Jesus’ teachings, follow the Gospel and the pastor’s message from his homilies, etc. When your child is ready, please stress the importance of practicing this tradition. The more your children open themselves up to God before receiving their first Eucharist, the more connected they may feel at the service.