Catholic Guidelines for Marriage Preparation has three steps:
(left) Fr. Rick gives words of wisdom to the newlyweds, Tricia and Jake Dobrient
1. Assessment – including determination of canonical freedom to marry and administration of the FOCUS, a tool for helping a couple assess and deepen their relationship, with the assistance of trained volunteer couples
2. Instruction – involving a couple’s participation at an Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Engaged Enrichment Program and a meeting with the pastor
3. Liturgical – involving planning of the wedding ceremony. Planning aids are available from the pastor.
Fr. Rick Stoffel, Pastor…………….……….262.644.8083 ext. 11
Bob Derks, Deacon…………………………..414.313.4267
For detailed information, visit the links below:
St. Peter Parish’s Guidelines for Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage
Engaged Enrichment and Marriage Preparation – Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Natural Family Planning – Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Wedding Worship Aide