Youth Ministry (Grades 6-11)

Welcome to the St. Peter Youth Ministry Program!

We have a dynamic youth ministry program that not only teaches our youth the fundamentals of our faith, but also teaches them how to apply it to everyday life. 

Our Mission

Jesus gave us, the Church, a clear mission. After his resurrection and before he ascended into heaven, he gathered the eleven remaining apostles and said, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” Mt. 28:19

The Church’s mission is our mission in youth ministry, to make disciples of our middle and high school teens. A disciple is a person who studies under a great teacher. A disciple of Christ is a committed follower of the person, teachings, values, and lifestyle of Jesus. Going beyond book knowledge, Jesus’ disciples learn through action in the context of everyday living, to act like the Master. In youth ministry, our teens will learn to be like the Master in the same way, through a focus on worship, fellowship, discipleship formation, service and evangelization; In other words “FIAT” – Faith in Action Testimonials.


Youth Ministry Fundraisers

Our Youth Ministry program is dynamic and organic – many new and exciting things can arise at any time. To make as many opportunities available to our youth as possible, it is necessary to raise funds to offset costs. Below is a list of fundraisers that have occurred in the past.

Parish Breakfasts
Soup & Chili Supper
Youth Rock Coffee House and Bake Sale
Seroogy’s Chocolate Sales
Take Stock in Youth

As many of these fundraisers require volunteers, we prayerfully ask that you give as much support to them as possible. Your time commitment is always valuable! We thank you for being a visible part of our fundraising efforts. Students can also use many of these fundraisers as a way to complete FIAT requirements. See the FIAT Page for opportunities.


Contact Information

For additional information or any questions, please contact:

Kim Slizewski, Director of Formation
Phone: 262.644.8083 ext. 2207
Click Here To Email


Sandi Dhein, Child and Family Minister
Phone: 262.644.8083 ext. 2205
Click Here to Email


Kaylyn Krebs, Formation Secretary
Phone: 262.644.8083 ext. 2211
Click Here To Email